Sunday, March 24, 2013

Update PLUS a cameo appearance.

Still alive. Thank God :)

Also, my new v5 arrived in the mail, so might as well post that too

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On the bright side.

Well, I could be upset and give up, but what's the point in that???
On the bright side, I'm getting a v5 tama in the mail, I have a beautiful Goripatchi, and a full happy bar already.

I have a good feeling about this :)


So... My friend decided to take my tama and mess around. Apparently when I said don't mate it, they didn't know much Japanese and decided to do exactly what I said not to.

Mate it!

So another attempt I guess
#startingover #mistakes

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I had to replant the tree :(

So I guess after a certain amount of days your tree goes away. Luckily I caught it and replanted it. still going for same tree for most consecutive days!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I'm an Oldie

Day 10, age 10. Time has flied so fast, the next 136 days don't seem so hard.

C'mon, look at that sexy Tama

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I gave in

Okay... I felt bad for Mametchi's whole in his heart... so I introduced him to some friends.
Just trying to make him happy :)

You're a sweet girl and all....

My Mametchi is old enough to find himself a mate, a pivotal point in every Tama's life. I almost feel bad not letting him marry this cutie.

He finally had to tell her he's not allowed to marry until he's at LEAST 146.

Oh well, he looks happy enough without her. Who needs women when you have a gold tree?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I got a Mametchi :D

I managed to get a Mametchi. That means I'm caring for it superbly. Now that he's 3, I just need to keep up that care for 143 more Tama-years! #thisisgonnaberough #unnecessaryhashtags

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 1

Just dated progress proof. :) Day 1 Age 0, already have a full happiness bar. Also, I plan on keeping that gold tree for as long as my tamagotchi is alive. two for one record???